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Capital Trends

Introducing our banking associate, David Link, of Young America Capital. His grandfather, Karl Paul Link, helped put the University of Wisconsin on the world map, as inventor of the blood anti-coagulant Warfarin (named after WARF, Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.) David continues the tradition of innovation, connecting investors to biogenic opportunities including hemp.

Dr. Karl Paul Link, inventor of the anti-coagulant Warfarin at UW Madison.

Hemp & Biogenic Materials are in Growth Mode, Globally.

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Government Trends

Congressional mandates are requiring sourcing of materials that meet new carbon-neutral standards. The military is already funding development. 

Corporate Trends

Major brands in textiles, automotive, plastics and packaging are demanding US-grown materials. 


Research Trends

Materials science, electronics, construction materials and infrastructure innovations related to hemp are under way at Ga Tech, NC State, U of Nebraska, TX A&M and many others.


Panda Biotech is setting the benchmark for a new hemp fiber industry. There are several others. 

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